I've been asked to be one of the guests of honor at next years Midwest Furfest! Wooo!
MFF was the first convention I ever went to, and it was really a great experience--everyone was SO nice and helpful and friendly that it really put me at ease about doing this whole convention thing. So I'm delighted to get to go back--money is preventing me this year, alas, but as a GoH, that won't an object for 2004. So I'm jazzed. (Particularly since I was sent my very favorite glass, with a wombat and the label "Vombatus ursinus" AND a teeny little froggy, as a bribe some time ago, and I was very sad I couldn't make Furfest this year. 'Cos man, I love that glass.)
So hey, if a year and some change from now, you're in Chicago, come by!
This reminds me that I really gotta put up a convention schedule on my website...