UrsulaV (ursulav) wrote,


Another chunk of Con art! Gawd, some day I’ll get these all up. This one features everybody’s favorite land whale. Well, my favorite land whale. (I imagine in this crowd, there’s probably a bunch of people who can quote jaw-bone and metatarsal lengths at me like baseball statistics, and who have their own favorite land whale that’s emphatically not Ambulocetus but y’know.)

Meanwhile, I finished (I think) a big Gearworld piece, which I can’t put up here, and am working on a non-Gearworld piece that I had been working on before I was seized with inspiration, which has been staring at me with accusingly penciled eyes and which hopefully I’ll finish soon.

Art art art. Art art? Art.

Originally published at Tea with the Squash God. You can comment here or there.

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