UrsulaV (ursulav) wrote,

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Last day on the cuteness print set Dutch auction--five prints, major price cut for buying the whole set of Cute Things, great gifts for people who like cute.


Allllso, since I'm in the mood for plugging, I dunno if any of you read T. Campbell's "Fans!" at Graphic Smash, (or read it prior to its move) but I'm doing a guest artist spot there in June (I think June) for a 12 page short about furries. I'm stoked. It's occasionally tricky work, but it's also fun, and I get to do hot chicks and anthro animals, which kinda plays to the 'ol strengths. (Man, much more of this comics-for-hire thing and I might start to think I'm in the wrong career with the illustration shtick...)

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