31 paintings for fun.
2 presents.
10 interior illos.
2 covers.
16 happy frogs or related silliness.
15 pages of Digger.
That's...um...76 paintings in two months, which is more than one a day. More if I finish anything before next week, which I damn well better.
A) No wonder my wrists hurt occasionally.
B) I am gonna stop feeling guilty about those afternoon naps now.
C) What the HELL are they putting in the water here in Cary?!
While I work very fast, admittedly, even for me this is sort of ridiculous and not a pace I can realistically expect to sustain without experiencing severe eventual burnout. However, it's a little gratifying to know that my feelings of being swamped and never making any headway are unfounded, and cheers me enormously, even as my inbox continues to fill.