UrsulaV (ursulav) wrote,


Do they just not DO Halloween in the South? I mean, no beware of dog sign, nice neighborhood, porch light on...nuthin'.

Now I have three bags of candy that I'll have to dispose of the old fashioned way--by eating as much as I can stand and making James take the rest to work. Oh, woe!

On the bright side, I got a lovely Wombat Crossing sign from FatFred, and a cute little book titled "Grandpa Wombat's Snore." And the cats got through the night with no fighting or casualties. So that was good.

Plus, it's November, and that means, new EMG-Zine, and new "Wombat Droppings" column, on the seasonal topic of ideas-as-mulch. http://www.emg-zine.com/

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